Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Day in the Pool

Welcome to what will become our second home this summer...the POOL!! I think we have already spent more time in it this year than we have the last three summers. Here are a few shots from our time today. The kids spent over THREE hours in it today.
Alexis is so super excited because she can finally touch the bottom. It really helps me out a lot knowing that she can be more independent in the pool now. Zack is still just a few inches short from being able to touch. I am so glad that we put them in swim class over the winter because it really helped a lot.
Zack uses this noodle as his "horsie". He rides it all around the pool.

Watch out...Cannon Ball.

Wink is splashing her.

Zack wanted his picture taken while he was under the water. When he is not riding "horsie" he is hanging out around the ladder. I think it is his safety net:)

My blue eyed bug boy. Isn't he handsome:)

Alexis swimming under water. She was excited that she can go from one side of the pool to the other without taking a breath. (and the pool is 16 feet around)

Just chillin.

Oh wow, look they are both together for a pic. That was a miracle.

I don't know if this is a look of exhaustion or determination.

Oh wait there they are together again. Although it looks like she was getting ready to smack him with the noodle.

Wink teaching them how to dive.

This had to of hurt!!

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