Saturday, September 26, 2009

4 Years Ago

On September 27, 2005 the most loving little boy came into my life - Zachary Connor Adams. In the early months I often wondered if I could ever care for both Zack and Alexis. You see Alexis wasnt even one when Zack was born and well, Zack was not the easiest of babies. It seemed like he cried ALL of the time. There were a lot of trying times and struggles, but now I couldnt imagine life with out the two of them. Even though it is only 11 months that seperate the two of them, they are as different as night and day. Zack is the reserved one. Until he is comfortable in a situation he prefers to stay in the back and take everything in. Once he opens up to you he will love you with all of his heart!! He is very affectionate and caring. Although, if enough buttons are pushed he will come out swinging (and in the early times we let him).
Enjoy a few of my favorite pictures of Zack over the years. I apologize for starting with his 1st birthday, but the earlier ones are on the desktop. I promise...he does have baby pictures:)
All pooped out after his first real trick or treating.

One of my favorite pictures. I hope this isnt a sign. HAHA

What a sweet face??!!??

Did I mention he could be sensitive some times. He got a little overwhelmed at all of the caos of his 2nd birthday.

They were so cute!!!

And I made his costume:) Proud momma!!

I think this was the first and last time I got him to wear a sweater. Oh well!!

Barely any snow, but they didnt care.

His first drag race. We went to watch Michael race.

3rd Birthday. Where did my little boy go:(

He LOVES this car. Especially after it was Overhauled. Speed, I am Speed!!

Man, that must have been a rich Easter Bunny.

He may be little, but he is one brave little boy. Front row of the Bobsled at Kings Dominion.

MeMe:) This is what started the Monkey obsession.

Now this was some snow. I had a blast playing with them.

His treat for learning to potty like a big boy. Shooting a BB gun. How many 3 1/2 year olds can shoot a gun??!!

All boy on his gas powered 4-wheeler.

The new way to play the DS. Wearing Lightning McQueen goggles!!!

I could go on and on with pictures of him or both of them for that matter but I will spare you:)
Happy Birthday Zachary!!! I WUV YOU!!! (as he puts its)

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