Friday, October 30, 2009

The Hotel, Orlando, FL

The Tyler Connect 2009 conference was held at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Covention center in Orlando, FL. This place was amazing!!! So much to see and do. The first night we were there we all went out exploring. The hotel is designed with 4 different themes inside it and each area is decorated accordingly. We were in the Key West wing. Very bright and colorful.
This picture was taken looking out over the kiddie pool. The area in the background was the convention center. That was about the size of most normal hotels!!!

This boat, The Gaylord, was in our wing of the hotel. Wink said it had to have been over 100 ft in length!!

A full view of the boat taken with my cell phone.

This was like a castle or fort. It was in the St. Augustines wing.
What do you suppose was in an area around the castle?? Yep, you guessed it...turtles and Alligators!! Oh and alot of beautiful Coi fish.

The kids relaxing in our room. Zack fell off the bed the first night we were there. It was around midnight and Wink and I heard a thud and I looked up and there was only 1 kid in the bed. It was really funny. When I went to scoop him up off the floor he was still asleep!! Wink said that Zack told him that his head hurt the next morning when he woke up:)

Bear just had to make the trip with us, and Shamu came home with us.

A cool picture opportunity in front of the sailboat. The kids liked taking their pictures with the fish.

More pictures to come!!!

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