Sunday, October 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Alexis & Zack

On Friday, October 16th we celebrated Alexis and Zack's birthdays. The kids had a lot of fun. They really didnt seem to mind that it was just family and close friends either. The present theme for this year was:
Barbie's for Alexis

And Boats for Zack.

This is my best friend Magen with her daughter Alyssa. You may remember the Pregnancy photos I took of her and Jimmy and the post of Alyssa when she was just a day old in the NICU. Alyssa is now 4 months old and just beaming with joy and happiness!!

A few weeks ago I took the kids to Walmart and let them pick out their cakes this year. Zacks choice...Batman!! This cake was really cool.

Batman shooting out of the cave!!

Alexis' choice...The Little Mermaid. Very pretty cake.

Very girlie:)

Isnt she so sweet??!!??

What I sweet little boy!!

It never fails that every year we pick out cakes that have some CRAZY color icing. It always ends up with people having colored mouths and tongues. Here is Magen showing off her blue Batman tongue. (See I didnt put it directly on FB hehe) Sorry little inside joke!!

Alexis showing off her tongue.

Zack showing off his tongue. He said it was red from the flames from Batman and we just let him believe that:) Zack does not like cake, but he did eat a few bites of the icing.

Alexis was so desperate for another piece of cake (more icing) that she ate the icing off of Zack's Bat Cave.

This is what happens when you give a little girl blue icing!!! And a little encouragement from the Grandma's!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alexis and Zachary. I love you both very much!!!

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