Monday, March 2, 2009


Need I say more!!! We finally had a snow day today. The kids had a blast. Zack had a bigger reaction to the snow this morning than I think he had Christmas day. I had to listen to him chatter away for an hour and a half while we waited for Alexis to wake up. I finally told him to go and wake her up. He runs in their room saying, "Sissy Wake Up its snowing"...and she tells him to give her a minute. Poor thing came back sad. Finally we got her up and motivated and out the door for some fun. The kids were all over the yard. I hope you enjoy the pics:)

I turned my back for a minute and when I turned back around they were on the trampoline. It was funny watching them try to jump.

Even Titan joined in the fun:)
I think they ate half of the snow in the yard. The other half was tracked into the house by way of every thread of clothes they had on.
Alexis went down the slide and I guess the pants she had on were extra slick and she just kept going right off the edge.

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