Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking Back, Again

I was looking through my pictures tonight trying to find something to blog when I realized that I have not posted any pictures from the kids birthday party last year.
For the last two years we have held the kids parties together usually picking a weekend somewhere in the middle of Sept. 27 and October 27th. This past year we held the party in our backyard. I figured it would be easy and prayed the weather would be nice. At least half came true:) The party was originally on Saturday, but by Thursday I had called everyone and changed it to Sunday. Saturday turned out to be cold and it rained ALL day long. Luckily Sunday was a little warmer and sunny. It was a perfect day.
The kids had a blast and there were a lot of friends and family on hand. The theme was Princess and Lightning McQueen. For two years in a row we have had Lightning McQueen. The year before Alexis had it, and this past year was Zack.

So what you might ask did the kids get for their birthday??? Well of course lots of cool toys, but their big presents...


I never had anything like this growing up. They are just a little spoiled...maybe:)

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